Saturday, February 19, 2011


Pretend you can see no color. You aren't blind, necessarily, but everything is muddy, dark, unclear. How thankful you would be one day to wake up and have the ability to see one color. There would suddenly be more definition, objects would be more distinguishable, and the beauty of the color would add an interesting depth to your world. If you never saw another color, you would still be thankful for the one. You could have full enjoyment with what you have. If other colors were added throughout your life, you would have an appreciation for the variety and purpose of each individual shade. Would you be able to remember life without them?
So I have found it is like that with children. Each one brings unimaginable depth to life. Vast amounts of humor, insight, and purpose fill each moment. Personalities vary so much that it is impossible for life to be boring. And while we are to train our children up in the way they should go, it never fails to amaze me how much we can learn from them! There is nothing like being convicted of an attitude because you hear it manifesting itself in one of your children!! Patience, forgiveness, diligence, humility.......
Yet so much joy and fun as each stage of life comes rushing at you, leaving you to wonder how it happens so quickly.
Busy? Of course, but all our lives will be filled with business of some kind or another. Training soldiers with an eternal perspective and duty seems worthy of my time.

Psa 127:3 Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.

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